Chicago Bears vs. Detroit Lions – NFL Football Betting Lines, Spreads, Predictions, Trends & Odds

Reggie Bush 2013 NFL

The spread has remained unchanged for Chicago Bears and The Detroit Lions early in week 4. The line has seen some movement this week; The Detroit Lions opened up as the -2 favorites and are squaring off against The Chicago Bears today as the -3 favorites.

Football Wagering Spread: Chicago Bears (3) Detroit Lions (-3) Total = 47.5

There is going to be a battle for first place in the NFC North at 1PM as The Chicago Bears defend their spot in the NFC against The Detroit Tigers at Ford Field In Detroit Michigan. The Chicago Bears have had a stellar start to the 2013-14 NFL season. They have been victorious in all three games that they have played and will be looking to continue their momentum today.

The Bears played excellent against The Pittsburg Steelers during week 3 which resulted in a win 40-23. The Detroit Lions are coming off of a win from week 3 against The Washington Redskins (27-20). They opened up the 2013 Football season with a nice win against The Vikings (34-24) however lost to the Arizona Cardinals during week 3 betting.

There has been a lot of talk about whether RB Reggie Bush will be playing today; he said that he would however if he were unable there may be a very big difference in the outcome. Week 3 of NFL Reggie Bush sprained his knee, which resulted in Joique Bell running twenty times for sixty-three yards.

NFL Football Betting Week 4 Pick: The Detroit Lions

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