NFL Betting Lines: Super Bowl 50 Futures & Odds

NFL Betting Lines: Super Bowl 50 Futures & Odds, The Philadelphia Eagles were the favorites in the odds to win Super Bowl 50 but since the USA online Sportsbook released their futures they have announced that they have given up LeSean McCoy and starting quarterback Nick Foles. This has caused them to slide backwards on the NFL betting odds at GTBETS. Sign up for GTBETS USA friendly online, mobile, and in-play wagering Sportsbook who accepts major credit cards and debit card through our links or banners and claim your exclusive 100% welcome bonus that is good up to $500 today!

The Philadelphia Eagles were listed at 22/1 odds to win the 2016 Superbowl but now are currently listed at 25/1 after they traded LeSean McCoy to the Buffalo Bills and starting quarterback Nick Foles to the Rams. They did get Sam Bradford back in return but it doesn’t seem to make a difference amongst the football betting community.

NFL Betting Lines: Super Bowl 50 Futures & Odds

The top three teams that are listed with the odds to win the Super 50 are the Seattle Seahawks, who are listed at 5/1. Following the Seattle Seahawks the Green Bay Packers are listed as the 7/1 favorites to win the Superbowl 50 and then the Indianapolis Colts are listed at 14/1 favorites. They Colts odds have moved up since the added their new running back Frank Gore and their new wide receiver Andre Johnson as free agents.

The NFL betting fans were excited to hear that Peyton Manning is staying with the Denver Broncos for another football betting season. The Denver Broncos are listed as the 12/1 favorites at the odds to win the Superbowl 50, followed up the Dallas Cowboys who are listed at 14/1 favorites to win the Superbowl 50. The Dallas Cowboys have picked up wide receiver Dez Bryant but running back DeMarco Murray is on the NFL betting market as a free agent.

The Baltimore Ravens and the Pittsburgh Steelers are both currently listed as the Superbowl 50 title contenders with 20/1 odds to win the Superbowl 50 that have been established by TopBET.eu USA mobile and live in-play wagering Sportsbook online. Sign up for TopBET through one of our links or banners and claim your free weekly bet plus your 50% welcome sign up bonus that is good up to $250.

There Arizona Cardinals, New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles and the San Francisco 49ers are all tied with 25/1 odds to win the Superbowl 50. Following these four teams are the Detroit Lions, Miami Dolphins and the New Orleans Saints, who are listed at 33/1 in the odds to win the Superbowl 50. Top

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